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Video God Is Smart!

- God is smart: Human sacrifice. Abraham's sacrifice of his son Isaac. Godless comedy from That Mitchell and Webb Look.
Bible story: Abraham's Sacrifice of his son Isaac.

When Isaac became a young boy, God spoke to Abraham and commanded him to take his son to Mount Moriah and offer him as a sacrifice to God. This was Gods test of Abrahams faith. Abraham loved his son very much, but did not hesitate to follow Gods words for he was a man whose faith in God was strong.

As Abraham and his son reached the place where the sacrifice was to be performed, Isaac said to his father, "Father, where is the lamb that is to be sacrificed?" Abraham replied, "My son, God will provide the lamb."

It is not known how eventually Abraham told his son that he was to be the sacrifice, but Isaac laid on the sacrificial place ready to be sacrificed for god.

As Abraham was taking out his knife, his hands were trembling. He was about to sacrifice his son when heard the voice of God saying, "Abraham, Stop! Do not hurt your son. You have proven your faith and shown how much you love Me by willing to sacrifice your son for Me. Therefore, I shall bless you and your family, and through you, I shall bless all the nations on earth."
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Shared:  14 years, 3 months ago

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14 years, 3 months ago
Fantastisches Video:-)

14 years, 3 months ago

14 years, 3 months ago
grandioses Video!