Tips for successful posting

On bendecho you will find the funniest, weirdest and most entertaining pics, videos, games, and links on the Internet - and you can help to keep it that way! Post your stuff and show other people what is definitely worth a visit.
Remember that bendecho is not a race; our motto is quality over quantity. In other words, concentrate on posting just a few things, but choose them all the more carefully. This will make a major contribution to your success, and the community will thank you for it.
Before you post new stuff, you should be able to say yes without hesitation to all three of the following questions:
  • Is your posting funny, weird, curious, or particularly entertaining and worth viewing for some other reason?
  • Will your posting appeal to other members and visitors?
  • Are you sure that your stuff has not already been posted on bendecho (use the search function)?
Great, then you've found something that bendecho shouldn't be without!

Submit your stuff

No matter how great your discoveries are, you will need to do something about it if you want people to view and rate them. There are a couple of things you should pay attention to when you post stuff.
  • Choose a suitable title. The title should reflect the content of your posting, briefly describe it, and make other members curious.
  • Describe your posting. The better you describe your posting, the more people will click on it, rate it, and comment on it. Use full sentences that describe your entry in detail. Use clean language, proper grammar, and check your spelling. Automated spell checkers are available for some browsers: Firefox Dictionary.
  • Create appropriate tags. Tags help other people to find your posting via the search function and tag lists.
  • Post the original. Identical versions of many videos and images are available from different platforms. To benefit from links to Facebook and Twitter, make sure you post the original. The more links you have, the faster your posting will make it into the Popular section. The original will normally be the video or image with the most views on a platform; if you can see a logo from another page, be sure to check if you can find the video or image there.
If you follow these tips, you can be sure that your posting on bendecho will be a great success and that many other members from all over the world will enjoy it!