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Video Surgical Treatment For Endometriosis | 212-988-1444

- Welcome to Seckin Endometriosis Center - Endometriosis Treatment NYC for endometriosis excision specialist surgeon with personalized care and excellence. Primary care physicians will often prescribe medication as a form of conservative treatment for endometriosis, before referring patients to a referral center such as us. Like with all drugs, some patients find relief with medication, while others do not. It is truly a case by case basis. Nevertheless, these drugs usually only provide patients with temporary symptom relief at best. But they can be useful when used following a thorough and successful excision surgery, in order to ensure full relief of symptoms, with low risk of return. Thus the following medications and methods should be seen as additional treatment options that can be utilized for pre or post-surgery, as opposed to substitutes for surgical treatment for endometriosis.
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Shared:  5 years, 6 months ago

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