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Video Shanghai Panic : Movie Teaser

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Shanghai today. A big city trapped in a socially downward-spiraling maelstrom, filled with young, disillusioned “little emperors” raised without brothers or sisters.

Drifting through the city’s booming, frenetic club scene in a ephedrine haze is Bei, a former ballet star, who begins to develop AIDS-like symptoms. Worried, he confides in his three best friends. To help come to terms with the idea that Bei may really be sick, the four spend their time getting high on cheap drugs, hanging out in KTV rooms and wandering down to the waterfront to ruminate on life.

When faced with the reality of the possibility of AIDS in their circle, the bond between the foursome only grows deeper and stronger. When the relationship between Bei and his friend Jie starts to develop into something more, it brings to the surface feelings that have been cloaked since childhood, as well as questions about the boys’ sexual orientation.
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Media:  Video
Shared:  14 years, 9 months ago

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14 years, 9 months ago