Video Pickup Truck rast bei Verfolgungsjagd in Laden, Oberhammer!!

- Police this weekend said the driver behind the wheel of that runaway pickup truck was Eric Whitaker, 40; they said the motive behind his off-road rant was to regain control over his 37-year-old girlfriend.

After crashing two times Friday morning, including right through the all-glass storefront of a busy service station, Eric Whitaker was flown by LifeFlight helicopter to Vanderbilt in Nashville, where he was in critical condition Friday night. A Whitaker family member said that the man's health is improving.

Columbia Police are branding this explosive incident a case of domestic violence, pure and simple.

And Whitaker's refusal to allow anything to come between him and his girlfriend, who'd dashed inside the mini-mart for help, is indicative of a classic domestic abuser, according to staff members at the YWCA of Nashville and middle Tennessee.
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