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Video Whispering Book Trailer

- Jeremy had to go to the funeral to honor his Uncle Jim, who had taught him so much about horses and life in general. He knew somehow he had to share the knowledge with others, especially what Jim has taught him about horse whispering, a talent that only six other people had in the states at the time. Jeremy also wondered about what doors this talent would open and where it might lead him.

A man of influence was how Jeremy remembered Jim. Even in his death, Jim was bigger than life. The way he dealt with people and horses had been a gift sent from heaven above. Jeremy knew from all of Jim's teachings that he could be one of the best horse whispers ever. Jeremy only hoped that he could prove his talents when he tried out for the foreman position at the E&J Stud Farm owned by Esmira, a beautiful independent woman used to having things her way. Both Jeremy and Esmira were not prepared for what would happen if love was thrown into the mix.
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Shared:  5 years, 7 months ago

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