Game Elsa Nursing Baby Twins

- Elsa insists on taking care of her babies by herself everyday after the birth. So the twin babies are very healthy and happy. But the wheather becomes very hot in summer. Elsa is worried about her twin babies. What should Elsa do for the twin babies everyday? Can you help her? Come on! First, help the babies change diapers when they weak up or cry in the morning. Then mix the oil and the buttermilk lotion and apply them to the skin. Before cook breakfast for the babies, measure the twins height and weight. The twins need drink some fruit juice and milk in the summer, so prepared some fresh fruit for the babies everyday. After breakfast, play with them and make them happy. Give Elsa some good idea and help them dress up. Come on! The twins baby are very cute and clever. I believe you will love them. Have fun!
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Shared:  9 years, 7 hours ago

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