Bild Top 10 Hottest Presidential Wives and Mistresses

- There is a saying that only one out of every 10 people is good-looking. Next time you’re in a crowded place, take a gander. You’ll see that it’s mostly true (unless you’re in a room full of swimsuit models – in that case, go you!). So, when narrowing down the top 10 hottest first ladies (and mistresses), I did a little math. There have been 44 presidential wives. If the saying holds true, that means only 4.5 are aesthetically pleasing. Ouch. No wonder there are so many mistresses. The ironic thing about the mistresses, though? John Kennedy had the most, but he had the hottest wife. Go figure.
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Medium:  Bild
Hinzugefügt:  vor 13 Jahren, 8 Monaten

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vor 13 Jahren, 8 Monaten
very cool