Video Super Mario Galaxy: The 120th Star Part 2

- January 7th, 2009
Another 100,000 views! Not bad. But I wasn't the first to post the ending.

February 12th, 2009
The video passed up Oogie's Revenge again...seriously just playing the game once is satisfying enough but now people won't stop seeing it! The game came out several years ago, people, move on to something new or watch something from Halo!

June 21, 2009
Second video with 200,000 view, I still don't know if I should be pleased or pissed, BECAUSE NOT ONLY AM I TIRED OF IT, THERE'S A SEQUEL COMING SOON!!! MOVE ON!!! I even have a finale for Sonic Unleashed up!

(And girls get a life, this isn't a soap oprah or love story.)

(2nd part and credits skipped)

On my 15th year of Christmas my father gave to me,
A rockin system known as the Nintendo Wii!!

Am I lucky or what?! Now I can upload Wii videos, too. Here's the first one: Super Mario Galaxy. Thanks to my fast learning, I finished the game in 6 days. According to the game itself I got 100% in 24 hours and 54 minutes. Now I got to deal with Luigi's side of the game...

And I did! It will take a while but hang on cause Luigi's side will come soon...
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Medium:  Video
Hinzugefügt:  vor 14 Jahren, 6 Monaten

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