Video MorphiuM - En el Abismo

- MorphiuM are born in 2005 and record their first album in 2008 ?La Era de la Decadencia?.

In 2011 MorphiuM signed with de the affiliate of Roadrunner Records in Spain, Kaiowas Records and Global / Mass Records
who launched their debut.Their first Lp was described by the specialized media as one of the best albums of the year recieving an overall
mark 9,5 out of 10.

That same year MorphiuM was named by the press best new act of 2011 and started a tour which took them to play at the other end
of the world in Europe and America sharing stage with bands like Megadeth, Fear Factory, Overkill, Moonspell, Kataklysm, Destruction,
Brujeria, All Shall Perish, Tristania, Dark Funeral...

The band returns from the American continent between January and April of 2012 starting a successful tour through out the Iberian
Peninsula, after this the production of their second CD starts ¨Crónicas de una Muerte Anunciada¨ which is recorded.
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Hinzugefügt:  vor 9 Jahren, 9 Monaten

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vor 9 Jahren, 9 Monaten
Unfortunately I can not view the video, not all recruited from Youtube, because the pay no fee Gema