Video Scandic blue tongue uncut

- This is the uncut version of the video sequence, which shows the KWPN stallion, Watermill Scandic, being ridden in the hyperflexed/rollkur position with its blue tongue lolling out at the World Cup dressage qualifier in Odense, Denmark in October 2009.

It has been stated that the original video did not accurately represent events because part of the footage had been slowed, and part had been edited out. Whilst editing ones footage is a normal part of a journalistic process, and by no means devalues ones work, here is the entire sequence in its uncut state. For good measure.

Sorry about the shaky bits this is what unedited footage sometimes looks like :)

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Medium:  Video
Hinzugefügt:  vor 14 Jahren, 7 Monaten

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vor 14 Jahren, 7 Monaten