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Let it rock! ;-)
Protection of Minors
bendecho is committed to protecting minors. This includes being proactive to protect children and young people from potentially unsuitable content. We have introduced measures that make bendecho easy to use.
What does bendecho do to protect minors?
- Checks:If infringements against the conditions of use are identified by us, or reported to us, the content is deleted and the user is blocked in case of further infringement.
- Tagging: Content on the bendecho Internet site is tagged using the ICRA tagging system. This gives parents the ability to effectively deploy filtering solutions and protection software.
- Separation: The youth protection filter keeps content that may not be suitable for children and young people separate from other content. Access to this content is only granted after registration and entry of the date of birth.
- Protection: Once a child or young person has entered their date of birth, the privacy level for critical data and settings is set to high security.
- Support: Our qualified youth protection officer will be pleased to help you with your questions and give you advice.
Selection instead of censorship
ICRA gives parents the ability to select the digital content their children can or can't view. "Freedom to make decisions instead of censorship" is probably the best way of summing up our philosophy. Families will obviously have different views of what is suitable for children of different age groups. This applies within a single country, and all the more so for the Internet and other digital media that transcend national and cultural borders. For this reason, ICRA provides a flexible approach to content filtering, giving parents as individuals freedom of choice.
You can also enter the correct date of birth for your child's profile. This will prevent your child from disabling the bendecho youth protection filter before their 18th birthday. In addition to this, your child's privacy will be protected and important settings will be configured.
What can parents do?
We expressly point out that a guardian's responsibilities also include responsibility for use of the Internet. You wouldn't let your children play on a highway. Similarly, some cautionary measures are necessary for the data highway, the Internet. You can make the Internet a safer place for your children by using a free but effective filtering software. Talk to your children and discuss their experiences with Internet use. This should be a regular part of daily life for parents and children.
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