Community Guidelines

A few rules are necessary, even on a fun platform like bendecho, to make sure that everybody has a good time. In line with this, you are not allowed to publish, link to, or otherwise refer to the content listed in the following section.
  • Pornographic content: bendecho does not accept pornographic content, links to pornographic websites, files, or the like as a matter of principle. The following list explains what constitutes pornography in our understanding of the word. This list is by no means exhaustive, but simply designed to give you an idea of permitted and forbidden content.
    • Sex and sexual acts of any kind, even if veiled. This includes masturbation or touching of genital areas.
    • Visible genital areas or genitals.
    • Violence of any kind with the aim of sexual arousal.
    • Children or young people in an unnatural, sexually overt posture.
  • Racism, fanaticism, hate or physical violence of any kind.
  • Insulting, defaming, libelous, threatening, harassing, glorifying or illegal content.
  • Pages with viruses, trojans or other malware.
  • Content that infringes on third party rights, e.g. copyrights, or supports this infringement.
  • Offerings that support criminal schemes, activities or actions.
Content that may not be suitable for children and young people (e.g. nudity) but nevertheless complies with the rules specified here, must be tagged as such when posted.
If you are not certain whether your posting is compatible with our rules, DON'T post it! Although we do not check content and links by members as a matter of principle, we reserve the right to block or delete such content and links in case of infringement against these rules and to terminate the membership of the member responsible for it.
Please remember that all of your stuff should be funny, weird, or entertaining.