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You found probably the funniest site of the internet! Share and discover hilarious, crazy and weird videos, images or what ever you want and find people who share your sense of humour.
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Let it rock! ;-)
How bendecho Works
We're very happy to see you here on bendecho! Let us explain what goes on here to make your first steps into the wacky world of bendecho even easier.
On bendecho you will find the funniest, weirdest and most entertaining pics, videos, games and links on the Internet. Anybody can join in and show the whole world what the buzz is about.
A single click on the title or image takes you to the linked website with the introduced content. Clicking on the description or the Comments link takes you to the detailed page for the posting with additional information and comments.
All new stuff is listed in the Upcoming section at first. This is where to go to look for new postings. You can filter the list by genre (games, images, links and videos) and sort by latest entry, most ratings and best ranking. The higher the ranking, the more likely it is that the posting will move to Featured in the near future.
Once a posting has accumulated enough ratings and other factors that influence its ranking, it moves from Upcoming to Popular and thus to the bendecho start page. A large audience views the posting at this point and it is distributed all over the world.
Besides ratings, links to Facebook, tweets from Twitter and a few other factors are taken into account for calculating a ranking. To keep things fair, we have developed a system that takes the reach of the linked page into account. This means that a website with a greater reach (such as YouTube) will need far more links and tweets than a smaller website to achieve the same effect when we work out how popular a posting is.
My Network
You can follow other members in order to add them to your network. The My Network section gives you a clear overview of all postings submitted by these members so you are always up to date. You can add members with the same interests or the same sense of humor to your network and never miss a posting again. And if you lose interest in a member that you have been following, you can easily drop them from your network by selecting Unfollow.
You can add postings that you think are really worthwhile viewing to your favorites so that you can definitely find them again. Of course, you can remove entries from your favorites at any time, too.
Submit New
You haven't really arrived on bendecho until you have posted something yourself. Your posting might make it into the Featured category. If it isn't, a little practice and a glance at our tips for a more successful posting will help.
It's really easy to submit a new posting. The first step is to copy the link (URL) to the content (video, game etc.) into the input field and then press Next. Then you can enter a title, description and some tags, and check out what your posting will look like in the preview window. Finally, we will check to see if there are any similar postings on bendecho and - hey presto - you're done.
To be able to play an active role, you will need to register - this doesn't cost anything. Registration doesn't take long and, of course, you can delete your profile any time you like. Your personal profile gives you plenty of scope for describing yourself, and we also respect your privacy as you can easily modify your settings.
For a further overview of bendecho, check out the pages that tell you what bendecho is and what bendeco is not. We also have a huge FAQ section.
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Stuff of the Month
Action Feed
Frau pisst ins Treppenhaus
I fucked your mum (Katy Perry - ...
best ever mujra from pakistan
The Jesus Ring by Daniel Harry |...
10 Reasons why you should be an ...
Moving from Debt to Wealth Creation
Brunos Fairy land
Sad Papaw’s Heritage by Kenny Ha...
The Shadows of Sawtooth Ridge by...
One amazing day in Bright
Social Media