Link I'm Still Desirable With Moustache

- I love how French women are so natural but yet so beautiful, they don't need to brush their hair nor put tons of make up to look beautiful. The perception of french beauty is all about beeing natural, beeing yourself, feeling comfortable in your skin. In Turkey, we dress up, we blow-dry our hair everyday by the help of various tools, haircurlers or often, very often, by visiting the hairdresser. We pluck our eyebrows, we get manicures and pedicures everyweek and so on...

I kinda like the natural beauty of the women in Paris, you can feel it everywhere, its on TV, on the streets and all around! However, there is one big reservation of mine in this whole natural beauty concept
Its the moustache!!!
The body hair (except for those on your head) is identified with the masculin gender in most cultures, if not in all. That is why all women (at least that is what I thought) prefer to epilate the hair on their body, wherever (!) it may grow to be seen visibly.
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Shared:  13 years, 26 days ago

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