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Video The Darkness Calls

- Story:
Lost in a nightmare, unable to find his way home. The nothingness eats away at his mind and resolve. But he had to stand firm. He had to get back to... her. She is his everything, his world. He would go through a thousand nightmares just to hold her again.

The darkness grows, but a voice echoes across its vast loneliness. He knows he should focus on finding Rinoa, but he cannot help but listen. He follows the voice, and finds a lovely young woman dancing, dancing just for him. He is entranced, and cannot look away.

Their hearts are entwined, and just as much as he searches for her, she desperately looks for him as well. She can sense it. She can feel something is wrong, and can only look harder. She pauses to catch her breath, and holds her necklace tightly, a memento from the one she holds most dear.

The woman continues to sing and dance, and Squall's heart is starting to turn away from his lover for this enchanting maiden. He loves her. He wants to be with her always. But something seems wrong....

Rinoa comes to a dark, lonely place, and finds him. She finds Squall, but now she wishes she hadn't. He is dead, and she is alone, with only the darkness to comfort her.
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Media:  Video
Shared:  14 years, 5 months ago

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14 years, 5 months ago
wow, a perfect video =)

14 years, 5 months ago
sensationell, voller Emotionen!!