Bild Hilarious Gang Members Hair Style

- A gangster's hairstyle usually revolve around their ethnic gang. The common ones for African Ethnic based are Clean shaven and short buzz cut. Mexican gangs, their hairstle also revolve from clean shaven, buzz cuts, to long hair. Vietnamese thug hairstyles are commonly examined with Buzzed/shaved sides, while the top remains spiky, or slick back. A good hairstle shows character and strength in who ever welds it, and is as important as the clothing on the gangster. See this most funniest collection hairstyle of this members! Enjoy:)
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Medium:  Bild
Hinzugefügt:  vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat

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vor 12 Jahren, 10 Monaten
so funny .. ^^

vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat
crazy & funny ;)

vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat
*hehe* :D