Video Final Fantasy X-2 "Sad Ending"

- The Japanese version of Final Fantasy X-2 "Sad Ending"


Yuna will tell him that she had been always thinking of him and has now finally gotten to meet him again. But, she's okay now. As long as he's here in the Farplane, she can come see him whenever she wants.

To require this ending:

For the sad ending to occur u must repeatedly press the X button (unfortunatly) atfer the cutscenes in the Farplane and you are able to move, if you hear a whistling sound you have activated the secret ending (the perfect ending), once you get to the end the Fayth shouldn't ask you if Yuna would like to reunited with Tidus, but if the Fayth does ask you if you would like to be reunited with Tidus, answer with a No. After, you should be able to get the sad Ending and thus your FFX-2 journey has ended.
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Medium:  Video
Hinzugefügt:  vor 14 Jahren, 7 Monaten

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