Video Final Fantasy 13 BRAND NEW Trailer !!

- Mixed together new footage and old,None of this footage is mine ,hope you like it I know the song is over used but its decent enough for the video i think.did want to use the original song for it, while your at it watch some of my other videos, you may find them funny

Answers to questions-

Is this Ps3 exclusive?
yes Final fantasy versus 13 is exclusive to playstation3

When will it be released ?
No one really knows yet we know it will be 2010 thought
how annoying lol.

Lead Characters name/whats the plot and does it have any relevance to the other final fantasy 13's?


Very little information regarding the plot of the game has been revealed since E3 2006; however, Square Enix representatives have commented that Versus may be the darkest Final Fantasy game yet.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII revolves around a prince named Noctis Lucis Caelum, who is the last heir to an unnamed kingdom in which the last Crystal is kept. Because of increasingly apparent modernization in contrast to neighboring nations, Noctis' kingdom has isolated itself from the outside world. The game is set as two nations battle each other for dominance and for the last Crystal held by Noctis' kingdom.[6] The game has been said to initiate at the "clearing" of a long Cold War between warring nations that revolved around these crystals.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII is, according to its developers, a wholly independent story unfolding with different characters and a different visual design. Although it is set within the same Final Fantasy XIII universe, it is unrelated to any other entry within the compilation and is thus neither a sequel nor a prequel to any other entries in Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy XIII.

Whats the name of the song being played?

Mozart - Summer Overture (Requiem For A Dream)
This is the version played in the video there is also another similar one by Clint mansell called - Lux Aeterna
and Clint mansell - requiem for a dream

Will this game be in English?
I assume so as all the other have been in English also

Annoying comments
i hope they make this into a film!

How do you know it will you don't even know the story line yet! Guaranteed it will be good but but it will be better as a game as most the final fantasy games have long cut scenes so it will kinda be like a film in that sense .

and this will be the new final fantasy 7!, i hate it when people say that ,why will it be?

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Hinzugefügt:  vor 14 Jahren, 7 Monaten

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