Link Bizarre Illustration of Passion

- Passion is the emotional fuel that drives your vision. It’s what you hold onto when your ideas are challenged and people turn you down, when you are rejected by experts and the people cloest to you. It’s the fuel that keeps you going, working hard, giving more than you can possibly give when there is simply no validation of your dream. Passions are irresistible. If you’re paying attention to your life at all, the things you are passionate about won’t leave you alone. They’re the ideas, hope and possibilities your mind gravitates to, the things you focus all your time, attention and dreams upon and nothing else but doing these things truly feels right. Check this bizarre illustration of passion.
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Hinzugefügt:  vor 13 Jahren, 2 Monaten

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vor 13 Jahren, 2 Monaten
Great Pictures!

vor 13 Jahren, 2 Monaten
Great Pictures