Video The Trumpet - Founded by Gerald Flurry

- Founded in 1990 by editor-in-chief Gerald Flurry, the Philadelphia Trumpet is a news magazine unlike any other. Devoid of commercial advertising, the 40-page, full-color magazine is published 10 times a year by the Philadelphia Church of God and is sent freely to all who request it. Over 35 million free copies have been distributed in seven languages throughout 120 countries. The magazine is cast in the mold of Herbert W. Armstrongs Plain Truth, which accurately forecast the fall of the Berlin Wall. Following Mr. Armstrongs death, the church he founded ceased reporting the fulfillment of Bible prophecies. The Trumpet picked up the fallen baton and has since accurately forecast the rise of an Islamic king of the south led by Iran, and the election of Josef Ratzinger as pope, to name a few. Currently the Trumpet is focused on the rise of the Holy Roman Empire in Europe, led by Germany and the Vatican.
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Hinzugefügt:  vor 14 Jahren, 6 Monaten

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