Video Miskeen The Needy

- Salim lives in a remote slum with his family.His family include his wife & his 2 sons hamza and Zaid. It is the month of Ramzan and salim is struggling to meet the ends meet. He is laid off because of the recession, However despite all the hardships, his family is supportive. Salim despite his problems, is a man of self esteem , does not let people know of his situation .He manages with whatever little he has and also shares the same with his neighbours. The neighbours are well fed but do not realise Salim's difficuit situation. Eid is around the corner and Salim 's pocket is empty. He has no money to buy gifts and even new clothes for children. he does small errands but this time even those are hard to come by.
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Medium:  Video
Hinzugefügt:  vor 14 Jahren, 8 Monaten

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