Video Kitten tries to catch her tail

- This Himalayan kitten is Delphi. She is a little doll and I think she looks a bit like an owl. She is a character and likes to try and catch her tail. Sometimes she makes herself a little dizzy doing it. She and her sister, Cubby Bear, and her brother, Copper, like to play with paper. It is fun watching them. I hope Delphi will put a smile on your face.
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Medium:  Video
Hinzugefügt:  vor 14 Jahren, 4 Monaten

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vor 14 Jahren, 4 Monaten
einfach süß

vor 14 Jahren, 4 Monaten
so süß und so knuffig :-)))

vor 14 Jahren, 4 Monaten
super süß die kleine :-)