Bild Beautiful, Fleeting Youth

- There’s an honesty and vulnerability to 20-year-old photographer Tamara Lichtenstein’s photos that you don’t see very often. It’s like she’s giving us a rare look inside the lives of our modern day youth. Girls coming of age, exploring their identity, still sweet but with a new found freedom they have yet to understand. It’s no wonder that she is inspired by Ryan McGinley and Terry Richardson, two American photographers who seem to be able to capture the beauty of fleeting youth. The difference is, Lichtenstein is also one of them. A girl not just with a camera but with a voice that is uniquely her own.
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Medium:  Bild
Hinzugefügt:  vor 13 Jahren, 9 Monaten

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vor 13 Jahren, 9 Monaten
Schön gemachte Bilder

vor 13 Jahren, 9 Monaten
really beautiful pictures! =)