Link Beauty of Reflecting Life on Water

- I really love the imagery of this. Water, is an amazing force of nature, maybe even the most amazing. A huge part of each of us is water, and yet many of us live our lives as if we’re stone - rigid, unflexible, strong. I like the image of water embracing all around itself – and each thing it embraces becomes a part of it.

Waterfalls, lakes, oceans, puddles, each shows us our reflection, and each shows us beauty outside of our reflection. I wonder if we even really see water for what it is. Maybe water is akin to love. Love that embraces all, is strong yet still soft and flexible. Quiet but persistent, seductive and deep.
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Hinzugefügt:  vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat

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vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat

vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat

vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat