Bild Romancing The Dead

- 16-year-old photographer Michele (aka paper.lilies on Flickr) takes incredible photos filled with mystery and drama. In this particular set, she tells us a story about a girl who has the most disturbing love interest, a skeleton from the dead. Slightly creepy but filled with whimsy and wonder, the photos invite you to ask your own questions and then fill in the answers. Who was the skeleton? How did he die? Does she not want to let go of the past?
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Medium:  Bild
Hinzugefügt:  vor 14 Jahren, 19 Tagen

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vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat

vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat
unbelievable geilo

vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat
O, no

vor 14 Jahren, 18 Tagen
great and crazy Art ..

vor 14 Jahren, 19 Tagen
wow, amazing!