Video Ro$ewood Renegade - Summa

- AUSTIN, TX – Rosewood Renegade has a way with words. He has a natural flow and ease with putting thoughts together that is pleasing to the ear. And his witty wordplay has been garnering him an ever-increasing group of followers through Austin, Texas the South. His new single, “Money Mitch,” is set to launch his career onto the national stage and increase that fandom tenfold or more.
“Money Mitch” – which drops March 10 – is a song that started from a sample from the movie “Paid In Full.” Renegade said he built off that sample and created a song that’s basically about taking nothing and turning it into something. It’s a song, he said, that illustrates his versatility as an artist while also announcing his ability to the world.
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Shared:  5 years, 3 months ago

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