Video The Talking Hand

- The final of 4 lil' video tributes to Fox's Fringe (select "more" to see links to 3 others). You don't have to love the show to appreciate this parody staring the Nalts kids. But if you're missing the show it's worth checking out.

Here's the teaser you might have seen on responseofnalts. A big thanks to the fantastically terrifying Iggy35 for his work transforming my son's friend into a hand. And Kevin MacLeod for his tasty and frightening tunes (

Oh- and here are the other 3 Fringe videos. Thanks to Fox for allowing the use of the footage and for supporting this video. Fringe returns Tuesday night, and I need my Walter fix. Seems I've finally caught up with every episode of Lost, and I've got JJ Abrams to blame for my lost sleep and low productivity on videos.

Daddy's Fringe Obsession:

Me meeting the Fringe Cast:

Walter & Me Song:
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Medium:  Video
Hinzugefügt:  vor 14 Jahren, 10 Monaten

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