Link Insanely Creepy Photo Manipulation

- I have never watched a single part of "Saw" or "The Evil Dead" or "The Exorcist" or "Halloween" .. you get the gist. When it comes to horror movies, I scare easily. On the other hand I adore "The Blair Witch Project" and most good Asian Horror movies like "Ringu", "Ju-On", "Shutter", "The Tale Of Two Sisters", "Into The Mirror" and "Dark Water". I like the thrill factor that these movies work so well because I don’t have the stomach for gore. Even then most scenes from these movies have been watched through my fingers, focusing on the top right corner of the screen to avoid seeing anything extremely twisted and ghastly so as to give me nightmares.
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Hinzugefügt:  vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat

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vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat
muy loco

vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat
totally creepy ..

vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat
Creepy Gaga

vor 13 Jahren, 1 Monat
Creepy cool